Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Monday, November 3, 2014

A heartbroken discussion with the medical team

Cass took the final session of the new 8-day radiation treatment this morning.
After the radiation, we had a long discussion with the oncologist, the practitioner nurse, and the social worker about the future plan for Cass (Cass was not involve in the discussion). It was an unpleasant meeting that I wanted to avoid if I could and I did not want to even touch the topic at all. 

During the discussion, the medical team stated to us that based on the past diagnosis, the current examination, and the reports, Cass’s recent nerve problems and pain may not be reducible. In fact, such nerve pain might become more severe as time goes on. Radiation could only control the tumours for a certain period of time before they would grow again. Thereby, more nerves along Cass’s spine would get compressed by the tumours. The team does not want to see such a scenario taking place, but it is likely to happen. Cass will feel more pain, and she may end up losing the mobility of her arms and leg. To gain time and to plan ahead in order to help Cass, the team suggested three options for us to consider.
The first option is to take chemo, but it is not effective in Cass' case, and she may suffer the side effects from chemo on top of her existing pain and problems. The team is not inclined to go for this option because there's no effective chemo drug to deal with Cass' cancer. They don’t consider this to be an option beneficial to Cass.

The second option is not to take chemo anymore for any situation that may happen in the future but just to focus on pain management. This will help Cass to reduce her pain as much as possible and to let her stay as comfortable as she could to maintain the quality of life.

Lastly, the third option is by Ultrasound Frequency. It is an experimental process to precisely apply high energy to a very particular tumour on her femur and kill the tumour. But, such a process can only be carried out conditionally: i.e. only if Cass’ can handle it physically, and only for one particular location. However, Cass has many tumours along her spinal cord!

The most difficult question to answer was when we were asked where Cass would stay her remaining time, ……….. at home, or in the hospital, or in the Emily House, a place for children .……..

Please help pray for us, let us have unity in the family, and let us continue to have peace in our days to come. I pray for a miracle to happen. God's mercy be on her. It's such a painful way for Cass to go through that toward the end of her life, and it would be so heartbroken for my family to see Cass suffering along the way.

1 comment:

Kristen Matthews said...

Oh, Carmen. My thoughts and prayers are with you all right now. Please give that beautiful girl a hug for me and tell her we all love her and are wishing her, and the rest of you, strength and comfort.