Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Decisions Made

September 9, 2014.

This morning (Tuesday), we all went down to Sickkids, as previously scheduled, with heavy hearts. The hospital appointment today was to confirm the future treatment plans proposed for Cass. In the doctor's office, Cass signed the documents, giving consent to use the study chemo drug. For the last two or three weeks, my whole family has been praying fervently for a decision: whether we should let Cass try the new study chemo drug or not. We also prayed for Cass's new school term. The process with the study chemo drug will start this Thursday. Before signing the consent form this morning, we met an oncologist for a final review of the usage and some details about the new drug. Our plan is to let Cass resume her school term whenever she is capable and available, even during her future chemo cycle. She will start her new high school term tomorrow (Wednesday) morning at Bill Crothers (Cass was very excited about it).

Cass with Denise Mills, Nurse Practitioner-Paediatrics
Papa Andy was still very worried about the new chemo drug for Cass. During the family prayer time for the last two nights, he shared his feelings with us about Cass's situation. He honestly and bravely asked Cass if she understood that she might not be able to live a life as long as daddy and mommy could live now. The new drug was not meant as a total cure for her illness; it's only for palliative. Furthermore, the new drug is still in the research and test stages; it might have unknown side effects that would be harmful to her or be unable to effectively control and shrink the tumors……. Papa Andy was not comfortable and had doubts about the new drug as he didn't want to see the new drug shortening her days as a result……hence, he would prefer the whole family to have enough time to focus on the quality of life for Cass. He also stated that he had been praying hard for it and he trusted that God would grant us a good quality of life together. Cass burst into tears right after Papa had started the topic and we all cried hard that night. He encouraged Cass not to worry as Heaven is real and Jesus would be the answer. He shared the verses from John 14:1-7 which he had heard at Uncle Joe's funeral on Sunday and found so comforting. Papa Andy asked Cass not to be afraid of the day, she needed to leave, to come and promised Cass that he would stay with her as much as he could and that he would quit his job next year (that's why he has been training uncle Eric to continue his job) so that he could stay with her all the time. We all prayed in tears and cried out for God's mercy, grace, and guidance on Cass's upcoming treatment plan. At the end, we asked Cass to decide for herself whether she should take the new drug. After the doctor's analysis of the possible side effects of the new drug, the concerns from Papa Andy, the insights of Mama Carmen,and the thoughts from Gor Gor Aaron, Cass said to us this morning, "......after all, it's still worth to try." Therefore, we are all supporting her decision with the new chemo treatment which will start this Thursday.

Please continue to join our family in prayer. Pray for us for God's leadership, pray that the coming treatment plan is in God’s hands........ that the new drug is a new hope for Cass……that God will help Cass through the use of the new chemo drug.......and that Cass will be able to attend and manage her routine at the new high school. Above all, sincere thanks for all of your prayer support over the past few weeks when we were at the crossroads, puzzled with the prospects of the study chemo drug and with her high school term.

John 14:1-7 NIV
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ca Ca has always been such a brave girl that she is open to trying new things, including this study chemo drug. Will pray for God's protection for her for both the treatment and the new school.