Cassidy says Thanks! to her friends.
Dear friends and teachers from Cliffwood,
Cassidy wants to thank you all so much for cheering her up. Especially to those who called into the hospital for her and chatted with her over the phone. Cassidy misses seeing, talking and playing with you all, sometimes when she thought of you she feels the hospital is extra boring and can't wait to get better and be able to come to school to see everybody.
Cassidy will start chemotherapy this weekend, please pray for God to minimize the side effects so CaCa won't need to feel sick during chemo, and also pray that this round(s) of chemo would be effective to kill off all the tumor cells. As soon as the chemo is done and cleared, probably sometime next week, CaCa will be transferred to Bloorview Kids Rehab Hospital where she will stay for rehab treatment. Cassidy is a little disappointed that she still cannot go home but she also understands that the sooner she gets done with rehab, the sooner she gets well and be able to not only go home but also back to school. Although there will still be some months before that happens, but as long as you friends continue to pray for Cassidy's recovery and encourage her and support her during rehab, I'm sure Cassidy will try her best to get well as quickly as she can and to join you all again at school. We'll post up Cassidy's new contact info at Bloorview when we have it so you know where to find her. And continue to write your comments here in the blog and Cassidy will get them.
Cassidy read a book about Terry Fox yesterday and had a lot of questions to ask mommy. I'm sure she was very encouraged by Terry Fox and may be one day, she will do something like Terry Fox did to help other children with sickness and physical needs. May be you friends of Cassidy can all find out more about Terry Fox and the brave things that he did so when Cassidy gets all better, you guys and gals can help Cassidy to do something brave like Terry together. That should be fun and great!!!
Cassidy has also been eating a bit better in the last few days, please pray for her appetite to build up so she can enjoy more different foods to help build up her body strength. Pray especially for CaCa to be able to eat ALL KINDS of yummy foods that is good for building up her strength and that her body needs to fight off the chemo side-effects. It is very very important that she eats well and not just certain narrow selections of food for her body to grow and fight at the same time. Please remember again to pray that all the foods CaCa eats would work together well in her body to make the chemo effective in killing off the cancer cells and not to pass out of Cassidy without working. Hey friends, may be you can share your favorite food ideas with Cassidy so that she gets to experience everybody's favorite type of food. Make sure you tell us your name so we can tell Cassidy who's favorite she's trying and she'll be able to tell you back what she thinks of it.
Hey if you're reading this and you're Aaron's friend, make sure you give a big high-5 to Aaron for being a wonderful and supportive big brother, he's a big hero to Cassidy and to all of us. How much I wish to have a big brother just like Aaron.
Stay tuned folks, we got some serious volume of pix in the making for you to see later. See ya!
Hey Cassidy,
It's great that you're getting better day by day! I love, spaghetti, it'd be great if you would try some if you haven't already! =) May God continue to watch over you wherever you go!
-Olivia =)
In case anyone is visiting Cassidy this weekend please note that the Don Valley Parkway will be closed all weekend.
Dear Cassidy,
It's nice to know that you're recovering!I love eating noodles in soup with chicken,vegetables and seaweed.I also like bean soup that my mom makes.I like all kinds of fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms,carrots,cucumbers,peaches,apples and watermelon.
From,Valerie <3
Hi Cassidy,
I'm Alex. I'm so glad you're getting better now. I like to eat fried eggplant, chicken wings, sushi, rice, tomato with eggs, vegetables and fruits of apple, banana, orange and kiwi.
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