Some Update From Auntie Jenny (August 30)
Cassidy had a fun-filled day today starting with a cupcake-making session. CaCa made a dozen of colourful cupcakes and she offered the nurses the yummy treats. CaCa was delighted to chat with Dr. Hopyan for a long time. There's some interesting information that we found out from Dr. Hopyan - i.e. his father is the architect of our Wismer church. Dr. Hopyan clarified that there was no 'clean-up' surgery which had been thought to be scheduled. He also noted that the sensation of CaCa's leg is improving and that the dead tissue on the limb will peel off by itself. The chemo treatment will not prevent the healing of the leg.
aaaww... I wish I could come visit you to, Cassidy.
I'll do that once your body is strong enough ;)
Love seeing your smiles!! Stay strong and trust in God! <3
Love ya!!!
-Joan T
Hey Cassidy,
You're so beautiful...cancer can never take away a beauty that God has created. *hugs* I'm praying for you.
More importantly, Jesus is praying for you...
we're all praying for you and we all know that you will get better! <33
-Crystal L. ♥
Haven't heard anything from Dr. Jesse these few days. Miss Ca Ca a lot.
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