Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Friday, August 29, 2014

Thank you for everyone's kindness!

August 27, 2014.

Cass finally made it to the Bloorview Kids rehab yesterday to fit her new prosthetic leg. She's been looking forward to get it back as it has been kept at Bloorview Kids Rehab for a few months since she's been so sick. Cass was so happy with her new leg this time as it fitted her so perfectly - looked perfectly on her as well - without being required to return for any adjustment at all.

After the fitting and picking up the leg, we went to one of Cass' favourite restaurants nearby for a late lunch. She picked up her all-time favourite dish of pasta and salad. After we had enjoyed the meal and asked for the bill, we realized from the waitress that someone had already paid for our tab. We wanted to thank the person, but the waitress could only tell us that the person was a young gentleman with a big heart. We were touched and appreciated the act of kindness by a stranger. Somehow we believe that there would be many more other people around us who have big hearts too. We are very grateful!

Happy at Rehab... :)

"Remember there's no such thing as a small act of kindness; every act creates a ripple with no logical end" - Scott Adams

Cass's been so thankful for the aunties in our church preparing all the food for her and for the family in every single prayer and so thankful for the people sending her cards as she started, recently, to say prayers during our family prayer time. In the past, she'd pray alone after we finished our family prayer.

"Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:40

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


每一天我在思想如何與Caca傾談生死的問題。如何能不傷感但積極的談論這個話題。當生命行至盡頭時我們應該用怎樣的心情和態度去面對!每天早晨我祈禱求神教我怎樣過好今天。 如何感受到天堂的美好及在主耶穌懷裏的安慰。我捨不得、真的捨不得也不忍看着女兒在痛苦中行至生命的盡頭!我相信神不會讓Cassidy 在痛苦掙扎中行至人生的盡頭。我祈求神讓我們有足夠的時間、一家人相擁陪伴Cass 有平安、有喜樂地行過這過這段艱苦路程。我仍然熱切地期盼著神蹟的來臨, 或許那是不一樣的神蹟。
"耶和華說:我的意念非同你們的意念;我的道路非同你們的道路。 " (以賽亞書55:8)

I have been struggling, every day, in how to talk to Caca re life and death topic; how can I jump into this topic positively without any sadness. What kind of mood and attitude should we be in to face the end of life? Every morning I pray and ask God to teach me how to walk the day; how to feel the beauty of heaven and the comfort for being in the arms of our Lord Jesus. I am reluctant, I cannot let go, nor can I stand in watching my daughter to walk, painfully, towards the end of life! I believe that God will not let Cassidy to walk, in the throes, towards the end of life. I pray to God to grant us enough time for the whole family to accompany Cass with peace and joy to walk through this difficult journey. I still pray fervently for miracles, or a different kind of miracles.  
"My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways"  (Isaiah 55:8)

Looked out from the windows... Thank you, Lord!

I started with my prayer every day once I wake up….. prayed that I would see the way God has prepared for me to live for the day, and that we would know how to help Cass (and us) to focus on the “quality of life”. Then for the prayer time at night, I asked for His guidance on choosing the right school that is suitable for Cass and on whether or not the new chemo drug be taken for Cass’ future treatment.

Cass was about to sleep and I somehow started the topic that I've been struggling to talk with her openly. I couldn't remember how I started but I realized that we were actually talking about heaven....human pains and sufferings around the world.... Cass asked to turn off the light while we were continuing on this precious moment of fellowship about life and death. Then I continued our topic with the sharing on the book "The Case of Faith" which I've been reading it lately (thank you Ruth for sending me her reflection of this book, and that made me start reading it).....I mentioned to Cass that God is all powerful....God is all knowing.....God is all good ....even though we couldn't get the answers of all of our questions especially to the reason why there is so much pain, evil and suffering in the world. (I wish I could have found one for myself)....but we still need to rest our faith and trust on God knowing that we are in His good hands.....we will go to heaven when time comes.....and you might not win this battle of the cancer in the end but it doesn't mean that you didn't fight hard nor did God not answer our prayers....prayers, love and support from all over....God knows what's the best for you and me. And most importantly is that He has drawn our whole family closer together and to Him. We seek him for every step along this journey of battle.....I believed that I had kept going on and on with Cass on the conversation until suddenly I realized that it was her bed time. At last, before I kissed her good night I told her that we could continue to chat on another time. I thanked God for the opportunity to talk with Cass finally about life. It was totally not something I could have planned to talk with her on that night. Somehow we had such an appropriate moment for us. I could never imagine I would have talked to her in that way! I thanked God to listen and answer our prayers in His time that is best for us!

Thank you again for your continuing support and prayers! Please keep remembering Cass and us in your prayers! May God keep guiding us everyday! May the peace and blessings of God be with you all!

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Done with the Radiation Session. Next...

August 25, 2014.

Cass finished the 5-day radiation for her sacrum today. A bear hug to say goodbye to Susan, who is the most gentle and loving nurse at Princess Margaret Hospital we have ever come across.

Cass and Nurse Susan
Now we have to make the decision on whether or not Cass should take the new chemo drug, and to determine the next round of treatment she needs. Besides this, we are also thinking of getting her back to school soon between now and her future medical treatments, whenever her schedule permits, and to let her live as normally as before.  Cass had originally been accepted to Bill Crothers, an athlete school, to continue her high school athlete program. However, knowing her physical condition lately, we are concerned about whether Cass will be able to keep up with the program. Furthermore, the new school year for Bill Crothers already began in early August. As such, we are considering if we should find another school with just the regular programs for her. We know she wants the athlete program and to be an athlete swimmer so much, but she may not be able to continuing on swimming and the program would become a challenge for her. Since we are at such a crossroad, please pray that God will direct us to the way He has planned for us.

I shared this Bible verse with the family during our prayer time as it's been in my head for the whole day. "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."  Jeremiah 29:13.


Sunday, August 24, 2014

Cass is in Good Spirit

It's the 4th day of the current radiation session. Cass is feeling good, overall, and in happy spirit these few days! Thanks to Papa and Mama! Cass is allowed to pick a place to go after each radiation. She went to see the Forbidden City, Casa Loma! :)

Fiona and her mother, as well as Ms. Bertram came to visit Cass again. They had a good chat and enjoy the moments!

Fiona with Mom and Ms. Bertram
Knowing that Cass loved dogs, Jasmine came with Picco, a Pomeranian who's turning 3 tomorrow, to visit Cass for the first time. They had dinner together and also out for a little walk. Picco was behaving okay. :P Performed some tricks like jumping over hurdle, going under, rolling over etc. to show Cass. Good job, Picco, though barking big time when Papa Andy came home. 
Cass with Jasmine and Picco

This way, Picco
Cass and family still need the prayers from all of you, families, friends, brothers and sisters. Tomorrow, Monday, is the last radiation of this session.

Pray for the guidance and wisdom, from God, so as to decide the next treatment plan, whether to go for the new chemo drug, Abraxane, or stay with the chemo drug that's been using but not effective, or not taking any chemo drug at all. It's not easy to make the decision.

Pray for peace in their hearts in deciding which way to go. God, please show them the way! We know that Your love endures us forever!

Pray that God provide good time and channel for the family to discuss important matters so as to understand each others' concerns in order to pray and seek God's guidance in one heart and one voice.

Thank you for your continuing support! Cass and the family really appreciate all the love, care, prayers! God bless you all! 

Friday, August 22, 2014

1st Day Radiation... Schoolmate & Teacher

August 21, 2014.

Thank you, Nancy and the rest of her grade 8 class! Nancy came to visit Cass today (Thursday Aug. 21) with two beautiful and creative framed messages, which were very encouraging to Cass. Also, Cass's gym teacher, Ms. Lindsay Bonden, came over to see Cass today as well. Even though we just came home after the first day of the second 5-day radiation session, Cass didn’t feel tired but was so excited because Nancy and her teacher came over to see her. Cass was in general o.k. after the first day of radiation. She seemed to feel a bit better and did not vomit as much as she had experienced before. Please continue to pray that Cass can still be strong and will have less side effects during this radiation session.

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

More from Mama

We were at Princess Margaret this afternoon as Cass needed a CT scan to prepare for her 5-day radiation session starting from Thursday (tomorrow) till the following Monday.

Besides this, we went down to Sickkids yesterday (Tuesday) to meet up with the doctors to go over the treatment plan to deal with Cass's situation. I've been told so many times of the term "focusing on the quality of life" in every meeting with the doctors, social workers and the palliative team. Again, in order to help Cass achieve this quality of life, Dr. Baruchel suggested a new chemo drug to Cass. He further explained to Cass that if he had a drug or a way to cure her cancer, he would have done whatever he could do. However, up to this moment, there appears to have no other chemo drugs available for her cancer.

There's new drug called Abraxane which is more or less still in the research & experimental stage. The doctors would like us to take into consideration of this new drug even though it is largely untested.  Abraxane had been used effectively in adults, but there were very few cases around the world of Abraxane being used to treat paediatric cancer in children and teenagers.  Dr Baruchel himself had only seen 11 cases globally; there were none yet in Canada. The recent chemo process did not seem to have made any improvement on controlling the tumors. The radiation has been found to be more effective but it is only meant for short term measures while chemo is still considered to be the ultimate solution after all.

While I was listening to Dr. Baruchel, I looked at Cass and I just wondered how could she be reacting so calmly to the report. Through her eyes, she seemed to tell us that she would not be fearful of whatever the situation is....just like she always said "Fearless"..."There's no fear in love" 1 John 4:18. I moved myself behind her as I didn't want her to see my tears again. God really has given Cass the courage in her heart to face the difficulties.  

Please continue to earnestly pray for Cass, pray that she will be able to tolerate the side effects from the radiation, and that the radiation will continue to stop the growth of the tumors on her sacrum. Further, for the proposed chemo with the new drug, please help us pray together to seek God’s guidance, pray that God’s peace and mercy will be with us when we accept the new drug. After all, pray that God’s healing will be manifested.

Radiation Cycle to Start Tomorrow

We were at Princess Margaret Hospital this afternoon as Cass needed a CT scan to prepare for her 5-day radiation cycle that's starting tomorrow, Thursday, and ending on next Monday.

Please continue to
pray earnestly for Cass, pray that she can tolerate the side effects from radiation, and that the radiation will continue to stop the growth of the tumors on her sacrum.  Further, for the proposed chemo with the new drug, please pray together with us to seek God’s guidance, pray that God’s peace and mercy be with us it's His will for us accept the new drug, and also pray that God’s healing power to manifest in Cass.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Update of plans

Here is the update, after discussing with the doctors, provided by Gor Gor Aaron:

We spoke with Dr. Baruchel about the next course of action today.  He talked about the various tumours in Cassidy's body and proposed 2 flexible treatment plans for Cassidy.

He first explained the nature of these new tumours. They were confirmed to be osteosarcoma, the same kind that had attacked Cassidy's leg.  Osteosarcoma is considered to be chemotherapy-resistant.  Dr. Baruchel told us that the chemotherapy that Cassidy had taken had no evidence of being effective. Although all the tumours except one in her sacrum were under control, he believed this control was mainly due to the radiation - to which osteosarcoma is also usually resistant.  Even during the chemotherapy, the tumour in her cheek was visibly growing until the radiation, at which point it stopped.  The same applied to the tumour that was trying to wrap around her spine.

Dr. Baruchel had also done some extra tests and found that Cassidy is not genetically susceptible to cancer - nor did she inherit any susceptibilities from her parents (who are also not susceptible to cancer).  The behaviour of this osteosarcoma was found to be very bizarre.

Next, Dr. Baruchel talked about a new drug called Abraxane, based on an earlier drug called Taxol.  Abraxane had been used effectively in adults, but there were very few cases around the world of Abraxane being used to treat paediatric cancer in children and teenagers.  Dr Baruchel himself had only seen 11 cases globally; there were none yet in Canada.  However, the side effects that had been recorded were less severe than those from chemotherapy.

Since Dr. Baruchel found the radiation to be effective, he wanted Cassidy to have radiation done starting Thursday until Monday to control a tumour in her sacrum.  However, he did not know how long the tumours would remain stable, which brought us to the two main treatment plans.

1. Continue with the 5-day chemo cycles that had brought unpleasant side effects and had no evidence of being effective during or after radiation, in hopes that the resistances of osteosarcoma sarcoma might be overwhelmed by higher doses combined with radiation - the conventional treatment.  Cassidy would remain in-hospital during these cycles.

2. Try Abraxane.  Taking quality-of-life care into consideration, Abraxane offered less side effects from the limited data that had been collected.  However, unlike chemo, Abraxane could not be taken during or immediately after radiation; the earliest Cassidy could take Abraxane would be September 9th.  Cassidy would only have to go to the hospital once every week for three weeks each month.  She will be able to spend the rest of the time at home.

We have a few weeks to decide, but will likely not try any more 5 day chemo cycles.  The radiation is certain because it has produced cancer-inhibiting results.  Right now the main decision is whether to try Abraxane, delay taking it, or to not take it.  After all, it is largely untested; Cassidy would be the first non-adult paediatric cancer patient to try Abraxane in Canada.

Please continue to pray for God's healing hand on Cass, and the wisdom, from God, for the doctors to carry out the appropriate plans.

Cheerful Surprises! Treatment to be Confirmed...

August 18, 2014.

I like the prayer which Michelle had shared on Cass's Facebook. We are so thankful to have so many loving friends together with the brothers and sisters in Christ around who have given Cass lots of care and prayers unceasingly with their every-day-new creative ways. This has been very encouraging and supportive to Cass.

The prayer
Karen EE's calligraphy from Hong Kong
We came home from another MRI this evening. Cass was happy when her two kindergarten friends visited her with the little cute handmade crochet toys. Then, such happiness was followed by a big surprise from Auntie Ada who had come over to see Cass with a gift prepared with a lot of thought. Auntie Ada made her a digital collage of photos with her Grad pictures. It's a huge surprise to her and she was super happy to see it. On top of that, Auntie Ada's little son and daughter made her some little cute stuff, the very pretty rainbow loom bracelets and a little cute card of a unicorn. They really cheered her up. All these little things and support, from friends, have lifted up her spirit to help face her difficulties every day. However, please do not spend money on buying things for Cass as she is worrying everybody is wasting (Cass use this word) their money on her. You may come over with some board or card games or bring her books to read.
Digital Collage
Little Cute Stuffs

We will be back to Sickkids again to meet with the doctors tomorrow to discuss the next treatment plan that Cass will be receiving. The whole treatment plan has been delayed a bit as the doctors want to review all her MRI results and are still considering whether the chemo drugs should be used, or if Cass should have another radiation treatment on the sacrum first since her foot is getting the numbness feeling. Up to this moment, it is very probable that the treatment will start on Wednesday, but this will be confirmed tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2014

Just a reminder of today's schedule...

Caca's treatment schedule has been changed... as stated in the post of last Thursday. She is going to Sickkids for MRI of full body and meeting with oncologist only. The doctors want to review all her MRI results and other tests in order to decide the next step and the drugs for her chemo. Please make sure to message or email Carmen before you visit Cass.

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

CN Tower Before Friday Night's MRI

Cass had a very long and sweet nap yesterday afternoon. I checked on her and prayed at her bed side. I asked for God's mercy on her and our we really need to go through such suffering to make us come close to Him? How could we experience peace while we are watching our beloved child suffering in her sickness and battling with all these, many many aggressive tumors, growing all along her spine and in other part of her body? They are invading her body day by could I be strong for my daughter? I wiped away my tears and stayed at her bed side as I knew that she'd wake up any minute. Daddy came in to check on her as well. Then Caca woke up with a sweet smile for us.

Daddy said we could go up to the CN Tower before the MRI appointment at 8:30 pm. She was excited about it even though she's still too weak to go out. We made a quick visit to the top of the CN Tower. This was Ca's first time to be up in the Tower and she was happy to make it finally. But she was not feeling well and was vomiting afterwards.

Cass on CN Tower


Staying still for more than one and a half hours for an MRI is not an easy task at all due to the loud and noisy sounds and the hot air in the tunnel of the machine. I've stayed once with her in the MRI room and I felt terrible and stressful with the loud sound in the room but for that time I was only there for about 30-45 minutes. Caca vomited again right after the MRI was done. We left Sickkids around midnight. The whole family prayed together before she went to sleep. We all so thank God for giving her and our family a little fun time going up to the CN Tower before the MRI. It was a very quick visit but we were all so thankful for that. We continue to ask for God's healing power and mercy upon Caca; for God's wisdom to the doctors to review all the MRIs. The upcoming one will be next Monday as they will be deciding her next step for her treatment and the chemo drugs they will be giving her. Aaron prayed for the gentle care and wisdom to take care of Caca on a daily basis as sometimes we are so careless.

My family and I now realize that we must appreciate the little things in our lives... just a little smile or a little loving note is our strength to go on through day. Being able to walk around the city and admire the beautiful things around and coming home to have the food from friends and families are God's grace and blessings to us for the day.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Sharing from Uncle Leander


The doorbell rang, and my wife, Connie, answered the door. In came Carmen with a little 4 year old girl. Carmen had come to do Bible study with a group of ladies, and brought Cassidy with her. This was how I met Cassidy in 2004 at our home in Scarborough.

As the ladies were diligently studying God’s Word, I was left in charge of entertaining Cassidy. What could we do?? It was in the summer. So, we played in the little back yard pool. It was a lot of fun. She played the surfer, with me as the surf board! Cassidy is such a trusting and calm child that she had no hesitation playing with a strange old man, me.
Uncle Leander & 4-year old CaCa
2 years later, Carmen, Aaron, Cassidy and us went to watch the “Passion Play” at the Queensway Cathedral just before Easter. The whole gospel of Jesus was beautifully played out in front of 2000 people. Before the end of the show, they asked if anyone would like to accept Jesus. Sure enough, a lot of people raised their hands. Much to our surprise, Cassidy did too.

Carmen was trying to have Cassidy lower her hand then, but I told Carmen that it is the grace of God that Cassidy was called. We had confirmed later with Cassidy that she truly understood the good news of Jesus, and she believed. That was on April 15, 2006. This was how Cassidy came to know Christ. And praise God for that, and for all of us. As Jesus said in Matthew 18:3, “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the Kingdom of Heaven.”

A year later. We got a call from Carmen that their doctor had sent Cassidy to Sick Kids’ emergency. So we went with them. It was in April 2007, just a few days before Cassidy’s 7th birthday.

Cassidy was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an uncommon type of bone cancer. It was painful just to watch what Cassidy and her family went through for the rest of 2007, let alone how they must had felt.
She went through chemotherapy, rotation plasty (amputation with the ankle re-attached as the knee), spent a lot of time in ICU, and eventually had the whole leg amputated.

Along with that, Andy put in an elaborate regime of herbal remedies, to help strengthen Cassidy to battle against this vicious cancer.

Despite all that, never did Cassidy once complained about what she was going through. Neither did I recalled she cried at all. She is such a courageous soul. It is the grace of God, that as a child of God, Cassidy was prepared by the Holy Spirit, who indwelt in her, giving her hope, strength and courage through all those ordeals. Then Cassidy recovered fully. 
Uncle Leander & CaCa in 2007
Cass at Bloorview Kids' Rehab for 6 months
For all this, we praise God once again, as He always make a way for us even in the darkest trial. In Isaiah 43:19b the Lord says, “I am making a way in the wilderness, streams in the waste land.” Indeed, He always does.

The following few years were times for rehab, adjustment, and time to excel in swimming for Cassidy.
Last April, we heard in Sydney, Australia the news from Carmen that this cancer had come back to Cassidy in her lung and chest. In May, the surgery removed those cancer cells, and Cassidy recovered so quickly that she was in summer camp enjoying water sports in July already.

But before we know it, more bad news came. This cancer had spread again, this time to her spine and  mouth. When we came back July 13, 2014 to Toronto, the treatment was already declared palliative. What a shocking news for all of us. I wouldn’t be able to even imagine how this sudden unfolding of events and prognosis had hit Cassidy, Andy, Carmen and Aaron. Everyone’s prayer and thoughts went out to them.
Cass with Auntie Connie & Uncle Leander
Right before we left Toronto for Sydney, on August 12, 2014, Aaron, Cassidy and I had a good conversation. We re-visited Cassidy’s conversion in 2006. Cassidy remembered it vividly. We talked about God’s creation, salvation by Jesus, and His imminent return to take us home to Heaven. We talked about how God created everything to be good, and will restore everything to be good again, including all of us who believes, when He returns. We talked about what Jesus promised us in Revelation 21:4 that,” He will wipe every tear from their(our) eyes. There will be no more death, no more mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” We also prayed together, re-affirming our faith, thanking God’s grace, and the hope He has given us in Jesus Christ.

We parted with Cassidy with everyone being sure that we will all meet again. And praise God for that most of all. For we all know for sure that we will live, because He lives, as in John 14:19b. Praise Him!!

From Uncle Leander,
With love in Christ.

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Good Spirit! MRI & Chemo...

Cass's in a very good spirit today and I reminded her to speak to Jesus in heart whenever she felt she needed Him. She said see you sweetly to us before the doctor took her to the surgery room.

MRI is scheduled at 3:30pm, on next Monday, for full body. It will take long, long time. And they need to review the MRI from before, they may not start the chemo next Monday!

Cass has done the port insertion before 4:50 pm. She is OK. She will have two MRIs. One will be tomorrow at 9 pm for her spine only and the other MRI will be on next Monday for full body. Meanwhile, her urine has blood and her foot is still getting numbness every night. The doctors will see the MRI results to decide the next steps for the chemo drugs and have to  reschedule the chemo dates as a result. Please make sure text me (Carmen) before you make a visit to Cass. Some of her friends & teacher are planning to come to see her at Sickkids next week.

Port Insertion

The nurse was doing all the preparation work for the port insertion. She is also explaining to Cass what it will look like and how they will put in in her body and how they will access the port to receive chemo in the future. Now she is in the pre-surgery room and will be in the surgery room soon. Please continue to pray for her.

Meanwhile, the doctors want her to do an MRI first next Monday before they will be decided what chemo drugs will be used for Cass.


Thank you!

August 13, 2014.

Thank you all for your day-to-day encouragement to Cass....Thanks to her history and geography teacher for sending her a card with a loving note; thanks to Wini EE's lovely flowers and Cass's favourite Fish Chowder; thanks to Sharon and her family's cranes with the Bible verses and encouraging message; and thanks to Heather, her very best friend at school who came to see her as soon as she got back from her vacation. All of your love and kind support meant so much to Cass.

Gerber Daisy & Bible Verses
Cranes with Bible Verses
Cass & Heather
This is a message from Sharon and her family. I found it's so lovely not to share:-

Dearest Cassidy,

Sharing from Sharon & Family

I once heard a story illustrating what it meant to have peace. There was once an art competition where the theme was to paint a picture describing peace. Many of the paintings had the most calming, serene landscapes, but when it came to the last painting, observers were suppressed to see a raging waterfall , behind this waterfall was a nest of baby birds under the protection of the mother bird. Peace, according to the artist who proceeded to describe his choice in painting such a picture, is not always a calm, tranquil feeling. Many times, having peace is knowing you have protection through tough circumstances. My prayer is that you may feel Him hold your hand through every trial. Know that the God of angel armies is always before, behind and beside you. There are more people supporting, praying and rooting for you than you know. Feel free to reach me through Facebook anytime :) Sending hugs and prayers!

In Christ,
Sharon Ngai, Stacy, Joanne & Steven

Thanks again for all your prayers and support and encouragements! Your continuing prayers are very much appreciated!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Picture Time with Family and Cousins

Caca once told the social worker that she wanted to have a family photo as we had never done one for many years. She also indicated that she would love a photo with all her little cousins. Thank you Stephanie, from “Smiling Eyes”, for coming over yesterday to take pictures for Cass and our family. All of our cousins brought their little ones over. Caca finally took some pictures with all her little cousins except those in Hong Kong. Such lovely moments! They are just the little angels to Caca.

Uncle Leander and auntie Connie came to farewell with Cass before they flew back to Australia. They've been walking the journey with Caca when she was first diagnosed for the osteosarcoma when she was 7.... they were with us in the Sickkids emergency last week as well. They asked Caca if she could remember the incident when they were all watching the Play "Passion of Christ" when she was 6 years old, and if she could still remember she raised her hand when the Pastor asked if anyone would trust in Jesus and accept Him as the saviour and Lord. She said she remembered. Uncle Leander just assured Caca of her faith and trust in God and Jesus, who love us and her so much. We will meet and gather in Heaven one day with joy.

In the meanwhile, Caca is spending her time to write cards to her friends, and is happy to giveaway her unopened presents to all her friends and her little cousins.

Caca will be up early to Sickkids tomorrow, i.e. Thursday, for the PORT insertion, which will prepared her for the next cycle of chemo that's scheduled for Monday, August 18. 

Please continue to pray earnestly for Cass!

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Picture from Camp Ooch in July

Just posting a picture from Camp Oochigeas back in July. Cass' favorite water skiing.

Water Skiing in July at Camp Ooch

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Encouragement and fun moments

I prayed at Ca's bedside before I headed to church with Aaron this Sunday morning. Daddy was staying behind with Cass. My heart ached every time when I watched her fragile body lying in her bed. I prayed for God's healing power and mercy on her, and pray that Cass will have some little fun moments to go on her days. She's been so strong and so active even after her major surgery on May 12. Despite her pain on her shoulder and back, and the shortness of breath because of the removal of the lower lobe of her right lung in May, she has been recovering so well. She just got back to swimming about 6 weeks after the surgery. It's so hard to imagine that she was still swimming to the island, doing her favourite water skiing and having so much fun at Camp Ooch. But just one week after that, she turned to be so sick that she needed to take chemo and radiation. After all, the doctors appeared to indicate that such the suggested medication was not for curing, but just for prolonging life and controlling her pain!

I simply prayed for an easy day and fun moments for Cass. We saw God's love on Cass when she was so surprised by the handmade smiley flower from Auntie Ingrid. Every stitch expresses the love and care from Ingrid and God. Cass’ besties from the camp and from the swimming team came to see her and stayed a bit to chat with her. Also, Karen E E from Hong Kong sent her the calligraphy of "Strength". Those were what Cass needed for her day to day encouragement. We thank God for lots of love, care, support, and prayers from our church, friends and families.

Handmade Smiley Flower
Calligraphy of "Strength"

Our schedule tomorrow is to go to Sickkids at around 10:00 a.m. for blood work. Then return to the hospital on Thursday for the PORT replacement surgery for the next cycle of chemo. Please continue to pray for Cass and our family.

Saturday, August 9, 2014

Nice New Look

We had a very peaceful day though Caca still felt numbness in her foot occasionally. Nevertheless, we just spent most of the afternoon fixing Caca's hair after the shower as her hair seemed to be falling off a lot and tangled with her good hair. Bee EE came to help and we took hours to untangle her hair and give her a hair cut. It turned out nicely. 

We are hoping that Caca won't be too upset that all her hair will be gone soon. Thank you Bee EE for the nice haircut you gave to Cass.

"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Caca & Bee EE

Nice New Look!!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Sunshine at Emergency

We were at the emergency ward this morning The feeling of numbness in her leg seemed to have gone and hence it may be difficult to determine what had caused the symptoms earlier. But just by physical examination, Cass appears to be good. However, The blood count was very low, so we have to keep watching over her and contact the oncology fellow should fever, numbness, tingling, incontinence and weakness occur. We back to home in late afternoon.

God knows what our hearts need for a tough day....
Your prayers, support, and Stephanie Dixon's visit brought sunshine to Cass's heart on this tough day.

Stephanie Dixon, the Gold medal Paralympian came to the Sickkids emergency room to see Cass and brought her gifts from CIBC. This visit made Cass light up like the day- Cass was so touched and was crying with joy when she saw Stephanie as she's been her role model and has inspired Cass a lot. They are both amputee swimmers. Cass had written a French speech to talk about Stephanie Dixon and how she had inspired her to swim and put on a positive attitude.

Stephanie Dixon brought sunshine to Cass

Heading to Sickkids Emergency

We are taking Ca to Sickkids emergency now. She felt the numbness last night. I emailed her doctor. Her doctor called us early in the morning to take her to the emergency. Please continue to pray fervently.

Also, Papa Andy has been quite busy with work and problems at work. Please pray that things are sorted out well and smoothly.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Home. Concerns. Sharing.

August 6, 2014.

We were‎ home around 3:30 p.m. this afternoon. The doctors were very concerned about Cass's condition as her right leg seemed to have reduced power and difficulty in eliciting ankle/knee reflexes. Babinski is going down and no clones can be elicited. We were told not only to just monitor her fever but also to pay attention to the lower limb/buttock/pelvic. Tight lying, numbness, pain, and increased muscle weakness may all suggest an evolving spinal cord compression.

One of her school friends made a quick visit and that cheered her a bit. She's in a very sad mood today but able to eat quite a lot of pasta at night. She was organizing her Polaroid pictures which she took at Sickkids and put down the date for each of the pictures. She asked me to get her the graduation photos. I felt her sadness while she was looking at her grad pictures.

Cass started to write her journal last night while she was at Sickkids and said that she would still like the "FEARLESS" from Karen EE's calligraphy. She started to doodle and wrote her daily journal. But, it was so heartbreaking when Ca said "Mom, can you promise not to read my journal?" I said pinky promise. Then she said: "you can see it when I die...but you may find it to be boring." I swallowed my tears and said, "Let Mommy start a journal with you, and you would be able to read mine." Ca said, "Don't do it just for a week, and you wouldn't continue." "Of course", I said, "And you could read it when I die." Mommy will continue to write, and Cass can read years later.

Papa Andy was sharing the Ecclesiastes 3:1-12 NIV with Cass.

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: 
a time to be born and a time to die, 
a time to plant and a time to uproot, 
a time to kill and a time to heal, 
a time to tear down and a time to build, 
a time to weep and a time to laugh, 
a time to mourn and a time to dance, 
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, 
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing, 
a time to search and a time to give up, 
a time to keep and a time to throw away, 
a time to tear and a time to mend, 
a time to be silent and a time to speak, 
a time to love and a time to hate, 
a time for war and a time for peace. 
What do workers gain from their toil? I have seen the burden God has laid on the human race. He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end. I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live."
Smiley Face from Cassidy Fearless

Cass is writing journal