Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Monday, December 31, 2007

A Great New Year to Everyone!

It has been a great Christmas for Cassidy as she was able to come home and see her friends and family over this holiday week. She has been blessed by so many friends from both school and church. Friends from the BTBC Joshua fellowship had thrown a party for her, then the Wismer church friends also thrown her a surprised party. Then there were many more parties and many more visited her at home in the last few days. CaCa is so happy to be home this Christmas and she can't wait till all treatments are over and she can be home with GorGor Aaron more often.

As some of you knew already, CaCa has gone back for her treatments and just a few more weeks, she will be done her chemotherapy. Praise God for keeping CaCa well throughout her chemo treatment and thank God for all the love and support from all who loves her much. Let us continue to pray for Cassidy's recovery and especially her physiotherapies as she learns to walk better with her prosthesis. May we also remember to pray for CaCa to continue to adapt well to all new adjustments of her prosthesis as she continue to grow and learn to walk well.

As we count down to a brand new year, let us count all our heavenly blessings that God has poured onto us all in this past year and let us give our thanksgiving to our heavenly Father for keeping and blessing us throughout 2007. May we all grow spiritually and love God ever more in the coming new year that we live a more God glorifying life pleasing to our Lord Jesus Christ.

On behalf of our princess Cassidy, our prince Aaron, Mama Carmen and Papa Andy, Dr. Jesse wishes everyone a great, happy and healthy new year of 2008. May God's blessings be continue pouring onto you all and that our love for God and all others be overflowing all year through.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Praise The Lord! The Cliffwood Cookie Bash was a great success, thanks to many helps we got from great aunties, we got just enough cookies for everyone at Cliffwood and Mama Carmen joyfully brought them all to Cliffwood on Friday afternoon and joined the Cliffwood troops in their Christmas Concert. When everyone at Cliffwood heard that Mama Carmen brought homemade cookies for the whole school, every child applauded and cheered with glee. And we all sang We Wish You A Merry Christmas together to wish Cassidy and everyone in the world a Happy and Blessed Christmas. Cassidy's best friends from Cliffwood also presented to Mama Carmen a stack of Christmas cards her grade 2 class made for Cassidy and Cassidy was so thrilled to receive them when we brought them back to Bloorview for her. Cassidy also made a stack of Christmas cards for everyone in her grade 2 class but Mommy was too busy making sure about the cookies and forgot to bring Cassidy's cards to school. But she promised to put them by the door so she will remember to bring them the next time she visits Cliffwood in the New Year. Here are some pictures of the Cookies we brought to Cliffwood and Cassidy reading the nice Christmas Cards from her grade 2 friends.

Cassidy was surprised by a big party on Friday night at Bloorview. Just when she was getting ready to go home for Christmas, her friends and aunties and uncles from the Joshua fellowship came with pots and pans of yummy food to throw her a big Christmas party at Bloorview. She enjoyed the party so much and then so happily went home to spend Christmas with GorGor Aaron and Mommy and Daddy. Cassidy say Thank You to everyone who planned this big party for her, it makes a happy start for her Christmas week.

CaCa is now home to take a break from all treatments and needles. But she still has to practice on her own everyday wearing her new prosthesis. Let us pray for a few things in specific for Cassidy during this Christmas week. First, let us pray that Cassidy's body stays healthy and her blood level stays at good level so that she can fight off any minor germs that might get her sick.
Second, let us pray that Cassidy has a good appetite at home so that she gets to eat lots and lots of yummy treats and build up a much stronger body.
Third, let us pray for God to protect Cassidy and everyone around her from any bits of virus or sickness so that everyone can enjoy a great holiday with Cassidy.
Fourth, pray that Cassidy and everyone around her get to share the love and joy and peace from our God in heaven during this Christmas season so that everyone is reminded of the greatest love of eternal life God has prepared as gifts to everyone of us.

Cassidy says she can't wait to more parties next week, and she is especially excited about the surprised ones because it is fun not knowing when her friends will show up with cheers and food. And CaCa reminds everyone to remember to wear enough clothes so no one catches a cold and end up with a runny nose like she is. And she reminds every uncle and auntie to drive safely when they go to and from places in this holiday.

On behalf of CaCa, Aaron, Carmen and Andy, Dr. Jesse prays that may all blessings of Joy, Love and Peace from heaven above be poured onto you all and all your loved ones this Holy Christmas Season and Forever and ever. Amen.

Friday, December 21, 2007 we come!

Thanks to all your prayers, Cassidy was so happy yesterday that she could rush back in time for the afternoon Bloorview concert where she was one of the singers in the choir. CaCa says it was the best concert ever and Mama Carmen was very touched by the many kids who sang together in the choir. Both Cassidy and Mommy felt that although we had to suffer together over Cassidy's cancer, but we are so blessed that we still can move around, use our voice to sing, and stretch our arms to hug our mommies when there are so many kids who can only move with the help of a machine or they use all their strength but still cannot utter a sound to sing. Mama Carmen says we should all treasure all the gifts and our life that God has blessed us with and use them to glorify God. And we should also learn to love and appreciate the hard works of these children with disabilities. It may be easy to love them and care for them now when they are small children, but soon enough they will be grown ups and they will have to face high schools, universities and the working world on their own but there are the places where people neglect them and look down on them. Cassidy is praying that all kids will now learn to love people with disabilities and so they will grow up to be buddies with big people also with disabilities. May God bless the hearts of those who have a willing heart to love and care for people with special needs.

Cassidy has almost finished all the Thank You Cards and Christmas Cards and some of her gifts and cards have been delivered last night. Cassidy sends big Thanks to the Wismer Church, the BTBC English Congregation and the BTBC Choir who showed her so much love, sent her so much gifts and cards, visited her and prayed ever faithfully for her all these time. Cassidy says she wishes to see everybody soon when she's all better and can come to church again.

As we told you before, Mama Carmen is getting busy with making cookies for the troops at Cliffwood to thank them for their love and support to Cassidy and their family in the last many months. And also thanks to many nice ladies who offered to help with this big mission. As of the time we go to bed last night, we have finally finished all the cookie batches and are putting them in nice boxes to bring to Cliffwood with the DVD we made to celebrate the progress of Cassidy's battle with cancer. So Cliffwood, hang in there, we'll see you in a bit!

Monday, December 17, 2007

What a storm.

As you all know Cassidy gone back to SickKids last Thursday for pre-chemo check ups but because there was no bed, she was sent home to wait and that's when she could sneak in some quality time to play with GorGor and rest at home. Dr. Jesse saw Aaron and Cassidy playing the DS together where Aaron's hands were on the control but the screen is facing CaCa, how nice is that for GorGor Aaron to keep CaCa so happily entertained staying at such awkward position, I pray that Aaron's back does not hurt after a couple days of doing that. GorGor, you are such a hero! You oughtta be awarded the Best Super Bro Award!

CaCa braved the snowstorm yesterday and has gone back to SickKids for another round of Chemo. CaCa is very anxious about finishing and clearing off this round of chemo and hoping to make it back to Bloorview on Thursday for the Christmas Party where she joins the school choir to sing. So let us pray for her chemo to go well and that her body clears off quick enough so that she can be back at Bloorview in time. And let us not forget to pray for God to protect CaCa during this round of chemo and minimize the side effect on CaCa's body.

Dr. Jesse also urges you all to pray for GorGor Aaron as he goes to schools and from places to places in the snow. Also please pray for Mama Carmen and Papa Andy as they drive back and forth on the snowy roads to SickKids to care for Cassidy.

Mama Carmen is busy baking up many dozens of cookies to bring to Cliffwood this week to thank all Cassidy's friends and teachers for supporting and loving her in these long months. Let us cheer for Mama Carmen as she tries her best to get all those cookies ready. And thanks to all the ladies who are helping. Keep up the good work! And keep the yummy cookies coming!!

As Christmas is just around the corner, let us also pray that CaCa's chemo schedule works out that she can be home for Christmas to spend more time with Aaron. CaCa enjoyed so much this last weekend that she and GorGor had so much fun time together. She can't wait till all her chemo and treatments are done in a couple more months then she can be home all the time with Aaron.

CaCa is still busy making her Thank You Cards and Christmas Cards for everyone. She is so thrilled to have received so many presents from everyone. Her Christmas wish is to receive at least 1 card from everybody she knows so that she can read the love and greetings and the names of everybody so she can think of everyone's face when she reads them. So don't worry if you don't know what to get CaCa for Christmas, CaCa says she rather just get cards than presents from you all. Mama Carmen also thanks everyone for the many presents they received and Cassidy is sending a lot of extras to other children who are in need. So in lieu of presents, we ask that everyone writes cards, many many cards, to Cassidy to tell her about the fun and loving things so that she can share your joy in life. And our princess reminds everyone to please NOT write in cursive so she can read your message and your name. She gets frustrated when she cannot read who's writing her the cards and she will go on for days to try to read the writings until she gets dizzy. What a silly girl!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Love Overflows.

Just before Cassidy goes back to SickKids for another round of Chemo, she was visited by so many friends and was thrilled by the many Christmas presents that came pouring in. CaCa says she will be very busy now because she has tons of Thank You Cards to make to thank everybody.

CaCa says she first need to thank everyone at Cliffwood. Mme Rapson has visited her at Bloorview and brought her a whole bunch of presents and a big loving card. CaCa says she misses everyone at school and can't wait to January when she might be able to pay a visit to Cliffwood to see her teachers and friends. Mama Carmen says she can't thank the school enough for the great support in the last few months. She is so grateful for the fundraising campaign the whole school did for Cassidy and she thanks Mme Rapson for also personally delivering the cheque to her at Bloorview. Her heart is greatly touched by the love they received from Cliffwood. Cassidy says she is so happy to see Mme Rapson and enjoyed the time she spent at Bloorview helping her with French homeworks.

Aunties, Uncles, GorGor's and JeiJei's from church also brought so much love and presents to Cassidy in the last few days. She got lots of early Christmas presents from the Elijah and Joel fellowships, and also from the John and Joshua Fellowships. Cassidy says she can't wait till she can come to church to see everyone and thank every person one by one, even everyone she may not know because there are just so many people who love her and are praying for her all along.

Cassidy says she will go through all her presents one by one so she can try to remember who to thank when she sees them. And then she will select some duplicated or excess ones to give to the "Giving Tree" at Bloorview. That is a program for people to donate the presents to be given to other less fortunate kids. CaCa says she's got so many nice presents but she knows some other kids might not be as lucky as her so she wants to help these kids as she was helped by so many people around her.

God is Love and Love is contagious. When you love someone, you enable someone to love and extend your love further. Thank you for loving our little princess and we are amazed by her loving gestures to others. Love can change lives, your love has surely changed the live of little Cassidy and the whole Sheng family.

Love never fails. Where there is faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is LOVE.

Cassidy is due back to SickKids this morning for her check ups then if there is bed, she will start another round of Chemo. Please continue to pray for Cassidy's body to stay strong for this round of treatment and for God to minimize the side effects. Let us also pray that her treatment schedule works out that Cassidy can be home for Christmas.

CaCa prays that everyone enjoys a joyful Christmas and that everyone is loving to everybody to make this world full of love that it's like living in heaven on earth. And every people of God says AMEN.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Home Sweet Home.

As some of you might know already, CaCa did great last week at Bloorview and she has gone home on Friday evening. However she is having a little cough so to be safe, Dr. Jesse did not make the visit to her just yet. But Dr. Jesse's skin problem is pretty much healed and just waiting for a new nice coat of fur to grow back.

CaCa might return to Bloorview first later on Sunday night or Monday morning, then she's due back at SickKids by Thursday for her pre-chemo check up and if everything is good and if there is bed, she will have her next round of chemo Thursday evening.

Mama Carmen is busy with Christmas decorations and shopping, CaCa is enjoying helping with all the Christmas doings and cherrishes her home time with GorGor Aaron. CaCa is thinking about a very very special gift for her hero GorGor and she is not telling anyone what it is. It will be a surprise, so you guys, hush hush!!

And to everyone, Christmas is when we celebrate the birth of Jesus. When Jesus was born 2000+ years ago in Bethelem, there was no room for Him and He had to be born in a stable by a hillside on a cold winter night. He had no bed for His crib and no downy pillows but He is willing to come to earth to give us love. Would you make room in your heart for baby Jesus this Christmas? Receive this blessing from God today and say to Jesus "Yes, I've got room for You".

Saturday, December 1, 2007

The week just swished by!

Just as Cassidy was still enjoying her swim sessions on last Monday, she was already called back to SickKids last Tuesday for check up and then began another round of Chemo on Wednesday, everything went well and CaCa has already finished her Chemo and went home last night. She is doing great and she misses Dr. Jesse because Dr. Jesse is having some skin infection and has to stay away from CaCa until it's healed. CaCa says she'll have to draw a get-well card for Dr. Jesse, lovely!!

Cassidy's next round of Chemo is scheduled for Dec 13 so she'll be at Bloorview most of the time during the week and be home on weekends. We praise God for another good week for Cassidy as she completed another cycle of treatment, and let us continue to pray that God protects her from any kind of sickness so that she remains strong and healthy to go through the rest of her chemo treatments. Let us not forget that it is very easy for Cassidy to pick up germs and viruses as her body is weakened by the chemo drugs and she can become neutropenia very easily. So we also need to pray that God would give good health to GorGor Aaron, mommy and daddy so that the whole family is protected from any sickness that may affect CaCa at a great degree. Especially when the air becomes very cold lately, it is very easy to catch a cold too. So CaCa and Dr. Jesse pray that everyone will stay warm and healthy this winter and be able to come play with Cassidy from time to time.

The doctors were saying that they are hoping to let CaCa return to school around March/April. As long as CaCa is doing good with the rest of her chemo and rehab treatment, there is a very good chance that she can come back to Cliffwood to all her dear friends and teachers. So let us keep our fingers crossed while we pray for God's perfect timing and guidance in this matter. CaCa can't wait to be in class with all her friends at Cliffwood again.

Christmas is coming up and it is time we have parties to celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Stay tuned and we'll notify you if we can schedule a big party to celebrate Jesus' birthday and also to give thanks to God for so many angels like GorGor Aaron, loving uncles and aunties, great doctors and nurses and many many more who walked through a big half of this year with Cassidy.