Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Wow, the weekend went by so fast again and CaCa had a fun weekend with the whole family. But since the weekend was a bit cold and windy, CaCa caught a little cold again. She was coughing early this week and that makes her appetite drop. So from eating less yummy foods, her body became a little weak and last night they found her blood counts to be a bit low. So for safety, Bloorview had transferred her back to SickKids for some transfusion to up her blood level and to take some antibiotic just to make sure no other infection happens. So please pray for Cassidy's body to recuperate fast and her appetite to increase so she can eat well to help her body recover.

CaCa was a little disappointed because we were planning that she might be able to join Dr. Jesse tonight at the "LightUpTheNight-FUNtastic Harvest Carnival" at the Grace Chinese Gospel Church at North York. But since she's at SickKids, it'd be too far for her to come. But those of you who live close by to the GCGC, may be you can come and play some games, then win some prizes to bring to Cassidy. See for address. Door opens at 6:30pm. Make sure you don't wear costume of witchcrafts, evil, wicked, violence themes, Christian theme costumes such as princess and angels are encouraged.

Let us remember to pray also for Cassidy that she gets to enjoy the fun activities at SickKids tonight and let's pray for God to keep her away from evil things. The evil spirits will love to make CaCa sick and then make us all blame God for allowing sickness in such a good and beautiful little girl, and the evil spirits will love to see us loose faith in God. Let's pray that Cassidy gets to be surrounded by the Holy Spirit and be protected from any evil, bad spirits, darkness, germs, and any harm at all times and be in the embrace of God. Let us also avoid any evil things such as witchcrafts, ghost and spooky stuff tonight so that we stay in the lights of the Holy Spirit and that all of our prayers are righteous and would reach to God in Heaven.

Oh, Dr. Jesse forgot to say in the last blog, Cassidy and Mama Carmen says they want to give a big THANX to Crystal Jei Jei for sending so many loving messages and encouragements almost everyday. CaCa and mommy don't really know Crystal Jei Jei yet but Dr. Jesse told them that she's a very nice Jei Jei from the Wismer church. I promised to bring them to meet with Crystal Jei Jei the next time when CaCa gets better and be able to visit the Wismer church. Hey Toto, thanks for all your love, you are so sweet!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

So busy with all the happy things.

Cassidy had her bone scan at SickKids yesterday and we are waiting for the report. And CaCa is enjoying her freedom from Chemo this week. She was so blessed to have all you friends checking her out and bringing her gifts all the time. Cassidy says she doesn't even know how to thank you all.

Cassidy was surprised by Mme. Saba, Ms. Mercurio and Mrs. Barrow from Cliffwood who came to see her and brought so many gifts and presents from all her friends from school. Cassidy is making a big bear collection and when she's all done with treatment, she's going to put them all together to make a big big class with the bear-bears. Cassidy says a big special Thank You to Lisha and Ailin Fei who sent her a very special present. Cassidy says she is so blessed with all these presents in the last few months and since it's time that we make shoe-boxed presents for little children who are not as fortunate, she says she will go through all her presents and pick from them some duplicated or similar ones to put into shoeboxes. She is thinking she might have 4 full boxes but may be even more. Dr. Jesse applauds Cassidy's spirit of giving and her thoughtfulness to those little children who are less fortunate than we are. Isn't it nice that we get to pick from something we have and love and then be able to send it off as a blessing to another child. If you are also doing your Samaritan Purses this year, may Dr. Jesse remind you that it's all about the spirit of giving so you should find something you already have and give to others, it would be meaningless if you just take an empty box home and nag your mommies and daddies to buy new stuff for that child. If you do that, you're just forcing your parents to give and you yourself are not really giving out anything.

We are so glad that Cassidy has been discharged to return home to enjoy her weekend as of late this afternoon. Mommy Carmen has already planned a whole weekend full of fun for Cassidy, GorGor Aaron and the rest of the family. Make sure you call them up before you make your trip to visit. And one more time, if you have a cough, a cold, a flu or anything not quite right, you should refrain from visiting Cassidy until you get better. Because we don't want Cassidy to catch any of the germs or virus that are going around. Cassidy still needs to be very careful in everything she does and eat and everywhere she goes that would not make her body weak or sick. Let us pray that CaCa enjoys her great weekend, stays healthy and continue to eat well to build up her body for the next chemo a week later.

While waiting for bone scan report, Mama Carmen and Papa Andy will further discuss about the change of chemo drug and make their final decision upon the arrival of the bone scan report in the next couple of days. Please continue to pray that God's Holy Spirit guides them on this important communication and that God grants wisdom to them so they, along with doctors, would make the best decision that not only helps CaCa recover but also pleases and glorifies God.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Back at Bloorview

Cassidy did well in her last chemo and is now back at Bloorview. She was so happy that her friends came to see her at Bloorview the other day, they spent great times together.

CaCa will be going back to SickKids for bone scan on Thursday and then she'll enjoy 2 weeks off from Chemo before the next round is due. CaCa will stay at Bloorview in these 2 weeks but she can go home on weekends. We're all busy planning for some fun on these weekends so CaCa can enjoy the time with GorGor Aaron and mommy and daddy when she's away from any hospital.

Let us continue to pray that Cassidy eats well and stays healthy while building up a stronger body for the rest of her chemo treatment and rehab therapies. As we look back to the past months, we are so amazed at how God brought us all through many rough waters and that we grow in the love of God. We praise God for so much love shown through so many brothers and sisters and friends that enabled us and our brave little princess to take each courageous step in this special journey. It is truly hard and lonely to walk on any path without the love and support of people who love us. We praise God for all of you.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Pulled out some stitches

Cassidy was back at SickKids Thursday morning and was getting ready for her Chemo. Her wound in the leg is getting better and the doctor had taken out some more stitches out. It was very very painful for CaCa but she was very brave to see every stitch comes out her leg. Cassidy did cry when they take the stitches out because it was truly very painful. And Mommy helped CaCa to endure the pain by screaming with her so it felt better when they pulled out each painful stitch.

That's what they say, no pain, no gain. We praise God for the good progress in CaCa's recovery. If the leg was not healing well, they would not have taken the stitches out the last 2 times. There are still a few stitches left to be taken out, and we pray that it would not be as painful as before. CaCa, you're so brave, we'll make it through together!! Hang in there.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Thanks to Wismer buddies...

It was like a Heaven's Rehearsal yesterday at Bloorview when many uncles and aunties visited Cassidy. CaCa wants to say a special thanks to everyone at Wismer who made her a Big Big Heart lovely card and brought her the cute Polar Bear Baby Cub. Cassidy was so excited to read all the names on the card so she can say Thank You to everyone in person when she sees them, but most of the signatures are too scratchy to read so CaCa says she'll just say 1 BIG THANX to everyone and send everyone a Great Big Hug of THX. And she says please also print your name the next time so she can remember who you are. How serious is our little angel =D

Cassidy moved room already yesterday afternoon and she spent a happy day with Rana, her new roommate, going to different activities. They watched the same TV channel together and they wheeled around happily together. Cassidy wishes that all her friends from school and church could also be there and she can introduce them each to Rana. Rana has Cerebral Palsy and also uses both wheelchair and walker. When we pray for Cassidy's recovery, please also whisper a prayer for Rana and her family. Rana's mommy says that it is so nice to see such a big family Cassidy has when Rana has no one else other than mommy and daddy seeing her. Rana is leaving Bloorview on Friday to go home and CaCa is leaving Bloorview tomorrow to SickKids for chemo. Pray that God provide the opportunity for Cassidy and us to share the gospel with Rana and her family so that they also become part of our big family in Christ. Pray also that we still get to see Rana in the future when she comes in during the day for therapy so that we may continue to share the love of God with her.

Mama Carmen brought Caramel Pudding and Strawberry Mousse back from Dessert class last night for everyone, we shared all the yummies with Rana and her mommy and Rana loved treat very much. But CaCa was not too crazy about the Caramel and the Strawberry Mousse were not quite set yet, so CaCa gave mommy a long lipped face for not having dessert for her, and Mama Carmen promised not to burn the sugar in the Caramel next time ; p

Cassidy is having so much fun these days that she has hard time falling asleep the last few nights. Also with the air turns cold and heat is turned on in the building, her skin becomes very itchy for her to fall asleep easily. So as we slip into our comfy blankets every night, remember to say a prayer for Cassidy that she also gets to fall asleep comfortably without having to keep scratching all over. We praise God for the itchiness at the surgery spot on her leg, because that means the skins are healing up. The overall incision is healing well and there is only about a half inch area left to be closed up by the new skin. Let us continue to pray for that little patch to heal up and then Cassidy can go for a swim soon.

Cassidy has also tried on her new temporary prosthesis yesterday and she did great in her first try to walk with it. More fittings and trainings will be done to make her get used to the new prothesis. Pray that CaCa adapts to the new limb comfortably and learns fast to move around freely with it. Pray also that CaCa has the healthy body and strength to go through the exercises with the new limb, and pray for God to protect her from any falls or accident big and small. Hang tight and we'll post up some new pix of CaCa in her new leg.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Decisions Decisions.....

The weekend zoomed by so quickly when CaCa got to go places and play with QueenQueen and auntie Doris' cat on Sunday. Then Cassidy went into SickKids Monday morning for some check-ups and getting ready for her next chemo on Wednesday or Thursday. Mommy saw the oncologist and the doctor recommended to change and add some of CaCa's chemo drugs to ensure the maximum removal of cancer cells. This recommendation is made based on the "activeness" of Cassidy's cancer cells measured before treatment. Since the type of cancer Cassidy has is a very "strong" and "fierce" type, it is of utmost importance to ensure to wipe out all microscopic cancer cells to avoid the return of cancer. However, like any other chemo drugs, there are side effects that calls for some serious consideration before any decision can be made. The new drugs recommended are "Etoposide" and "Ifosfamide" as replacements for the Cisplatine which is 1 of the 3 chemo drugs they are using for Cassidy. Dr. Jesse has looked up some side effects info on these 2 new drugs and they seems to be very similar to those already being used in CaCa's treatment. And the end date of CaCa's treatment would be moved from May to about the end of July.

Again, we ask that you pray fervently for God to endow wisdom onto Carmen & Andy as they need to make yet another big decision for Cassidy. Pray that God would calm their hearts to be able to hear each other out, pray also that God remove all sayings of man and make them both able to hear only God's voice in guidance, pray that nobody relies on our limited human head knowledges in making such a big decision, pray that the Holy Spirit helps them to submit to God's divine guidance even when things might not make sense to human understanding, pray that God protects the whole family from any disturbance from evil and most importantly, pray that God's will be done unto Cassidy and the rest of the family so that God's Name is glorified.

Despite all the big things going on, it is important for Dr. Jesse to report that the oncologist says as of the time being, Cassidy is considered Cancer Free! Praise God for this report. And truly, Cassidy is enjoying life the best she can between treatments. She made lots of friends at Bloorview and she roams around the whole 3rd floor in her CassiWheels all the time.

Later today, Cassidy will be moving into the room of one of her Bloorview friend who's close to her age and free up her current bed for another 14yr-old girl so Emily, her roommate now, can also be with a friend closer to her age. Cassidy is so excited about the move that she could not even sleep last night. Let's pray that Cassidy gets to share the goodness of God again in her new room so that the blessings of God can be shared with more kids who are also sick and their families.

We talked about our plans to go to DisneyWorld together next year and Cassidy has already picked out all the princess dresses to wear down there. We can't wait for all her treatments to finish in the summer so we can go anywhere we want. Cassidy says she likes to dive into the water and she will show me how she stays under water. Pray that God keeps CaCa's spirit high and her body strong, and brings us all to Disney when the time is right.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Back to Bloorview soon

Time is going by so quickly since CaCa started her chemo Monday night, she's doing great in the last few days waiting for the residual chemo drug to clear from her system. They were sending her back to Bloorview yesterday but was still finding a very small amount of chemo in her blood, so the kept her for another night just to be safe. And then they were holding her again too long this morning that we missed the bus transferring her back to Bloorview, but the doctors confirmed that her system is clear enough and Mama Carmen will be bringing CaCa back to Bloorview this afternoon.

And then CaCa will be back to SickKids for some test next Monday, then if everything is good, then the next Chemo would be on next Wednesday, and CaCa will be at staying again at SickKids for another few days.

Mama Carmen and Papa Andy will also be discussing with doctors about changing or adding chemo medication for the coming rounds of chemo. We are talking about another 30+ rounds of chemotherapy to clear all tumor cells in CaCa's body, and we need much prayers for God to grant wisdom to Mama & Papa as well as doctors to make the best decision on the coming chemo rounds. Also pray that CaCa's body respond well to the chemotherapies that she experiences minimal side effects yet the chemo to be most effective.

Mama Carmen is also planning for some uncles and aunties to stay home with Aaron after school until about the time either Mommy or Daddy comes home in the evening. Please pray for God to provide and guide in this matter. Mommy says she's so blessed with Aaron as he is such a good boy in taking care of himself all these months, and Mommy worries that Aaron might feel lonely at times or wish to have someone around for company. Let us pray that God brings good mentors and friends to fulfill this need for Mommy, Daddy and Aaron.

Aaron, you've been an amazing brother to CaCa and an amazing boy for Mommy and Daddy, hang in there, things are going to get better and better under the care of God. Have faith and be joyous. We are all very proud of you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A weekend full of Thanksgiving!!

Praise the Lord for a great weekend Cassidy spent at home and with families and friends sharing and witnessing the love of God. It was in deed a truly thankful and joyful weekend. What a wonderful blessing to have so much love surrounding our little princess. CaCa misses GorGor Aaron most and it was extra happy for CaCa to see GorGor jumping up and down the stairs at home again. GorGor, let's go to the park together next time we're home, CaCa misses going different places with you.

Cassidy arrived home on Friday afternoon and there were already a bunch of uncles and aunties getting dinner ready and waiting for her long awaited arrival. Then Dr. Jesse also stopped by to have dinner and played with CaCa for a few hours. CaCa had great appetites and shared some of her dinner with Dr. Jesse, Yumm!!

Many GorGor's and JeiJei's came to play with CaCa on Saturday as well. Matthew GorGor and Charlotte JeiJei brought from everyone of BTBC Fellowships a beautiful "Make-Your-Own-Bear" named Emily with many pretty dresses for CaCa. And CaCa is so happy to have this new friend, she even brought Emily with her back to SickKids yesterday. CaCa wants to say a huge Thank You to the GorGor's and JeiJei's who gave her a great happy time and a big kiss to everyone of BTBC Fellowships and some of Charlotte JeiJei's friends who contributed to bring Emily home to CaCa.

CaCa went to PorPor's home for Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday and Mama Carmen says she ate lots of Turkey. She also brought some home for Dr. Jesse and we ate together before CaCa left for SickKids yesterday. The turkey is soooo Yummy, we hope PorPor can make more again later even it's not Thanksgiving again yet =D

After a long and happy weekend, CaCa has already gone back to SickKids for her next round of Chemo. The hydration drips started on Monday night and her chemo drips will be done sometime this morning. Please pray that CaCa's body takes this round of chemo well and pray for God to minimize the side effects as in the past. Pray also that the chemo gets to work well and beats down all the tumor cells in CaCa's body.

CaCa will be at SickKids till at least the weekend before going back to Bloorview, so those who wish to visit, make sure you know where you're going. CaCa will miss attending classes and the fun activities at Bloorview this week, but we're sure she'll have a great time seeing her old friends and nurses again. Let's pray that Cassidy enjoys her week at SickKids and pray that her body gets better and better day by day under the care of our Great God and the physicians He sent to Cassidy. This new happy chapter of CaCa's wonderful life has just began and it's already full of amazing love and goodness, we invite you to share with Cassidy all the wonderful blessings that God has poured onto her and to share the amazing love we have in our Lord Jesus Christ. This wonderful love, that turns what seems to be a curse into so much blessings, this love, how can it be?!

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Had a picnic to celebrate HomeComing!!!

Cassidy was back at SickKids today for some test, and all test results came back perfect. CT Scan shows lungs are clear and all stats are good. CaCa is allowed to go home for the ThanksGiving Weekend. We surely need to praise God and give our Thanks to God who brought us through the valley of the shadow of death.

CaCa has settled in well at Bloorview, she is zooming around everywhere in her CassiWheels. She started school already and she showed us today where her classroom is. And the we even brought her dinner outside to have a picnic today as a celebration of her homecoming tomorrow.

Some of you might be planning to visit Cassidy this weekend but just hold your horses. CaCa is going home sometime tomorrow and then she'll enjoy her busy weekend with some family Thanksgiving plans. You are welcome to visit CaCa at home but make sure you call before you take off because she might not be home. So No Surprises Please, remember to Call First! And just one VERY IMPORTANT reminder...if you have a cough, a fever, a rash, or anything not too right, please do not visit.

CaCa should be back to SickKids for her next Chemo on Monday, so pray that she stays healthy and strong over the weekend, pray that she has no fever and no emergency, and then pray that her Chemo goes well on Monday both schedule wise and treatment wise.

We love because God first loved us. How can we even thank God enough for bringing His amazing love into us so that we know what love is. At this season of giving thanks, God granted this one great wish to CaCa to be able to come home, to celebrate life. Would you care to join us in giving our most sincere and heartfelt gratitude to our Maker who knows our names and counted our every strand of hair. He knows our little girl's heart and He helps her to be joyful everyday and strengthens her heart and faith in painful days. How could we have made it to this day if not for the love that surrounded us. Father God, thank You for everyone whom we have crossed paths with especially in the last few months, thank You for sending to us so many angels to help us through every step of the way. Lord we give thanks to You this day, Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

School should be fun

Cassidy has settled well at Bloorview yesterday, although the AmbuTrans did not turn on the B-Bboo siren for CaCa, but she is still so excited and happy to be free of all IV lines and be able to move anyway she likes. The only minor problem at Bloorview yesterday was that they couldn't arrange for CaCa's own wheelchair right away but that should be ready in the next day or so. So CaCa is awaiting to explore the rest of Bloorview in her own CassiWheels.

Mama Carmen says they met most of the treatment team yesterday and CaCa's attending physician at Bloorview should show up today to meet with them. School should also start today and CaCa will be doing pretty much a full day school with treatments in between classes. Carmen says the place at Bloorview is pretty nice and comfy, and you guys are welcome to visit Cassidy at afterschool hours because if you go early, she would still be in class or in treatments. I am supposing that school is out at around 3:30pm?!

Parking is much cheaper at Bloorview Carmen says, but the food there is not as great as at SickKids. So you guys who are great cooks, feel free to bring your gourmet dishes to treat Carmen and Andy as well.

And at this time of the year, Dr. Jesse wishes to take this opportunity to remind those who believe in FluShots to take your shots for this season. And I suggest you refrain from seeing CaCa and those who have close contact with her a just a few days after your shots because afterall, you are getting some Flu virus into your body to develop antibody and there is always a chance that you have a flu AFTER you get your shots. Ok, Dr. Jesse failed the flu class at Doggy Med School so I can be wrong at this, but let's be safe than sorry. So, take really good care of your bodies that God has given you, and keep up the health of all your bodies and souls. Cheers!

Monday, October 1, 2007

SMS from Carmen

Dr. Jesse just got an update from Mama Carmen...

"Ca is on the way to Bloorview. She's so excited now as she's taking the AmbuTrans"

I wonder if the AmbuTrans has a siren on, CaCa always wanted to ride the B-Boo B-Boo when she gets out of SickKids. I hope they had the siren in AmbuTrans and that they would turn it on for Cassidy.

Cassidy was doing well over the weekend. She went down to the play center to play games on the computers and had the chance to see her blog and messages left her by friends, teachers and aunties and uncles, she also got to see her new Picture video that you all saw as a witness of God's love to Cassidy and all of us. Then we secretly printed a few nice pictures of her video game shots on Saturday. Cassidy has been eating well in the last few days and she has obviously grown some "meat" on her body since surgery. Cassidy was showing us her leg where she used to just feel her bone and now there you can feel a little chubby flesh.

She was jumping and scooting around on her bed so much as some good exercises. By Saturday night, she was already getting up on her 1 leg and playing in balancing her body on her knee. She was moving so fast that we worried she might fall off her bed. But Mommy was sitting by her bed so she was falling into mommy's legs when she lost balance. She was laughing and giggling all night and was having so much energy that she didn't even feel sleepy at all.

1 of her 2 port needles has been removed and almost all of the drips were stopped and taken off during the day on Saturday. Then Cassidy got so happy when the nurse came at night to ask her if she wants the other needle taken out too, and she couldn't wait to be freed from all the IV cords. The skin problem caused by the needle dressing adhesive around her ports has also improved much.

All things are going well as planned, will keep everyone updated after she landed at Bloorview. Let us all praise God for all the amazing things and continue to pray for CaCa's recovery and rehab treatments in the coming days. Stay tuned!