Cassidy's Journey Through Osteosarcoma

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This is a dedicated blog for updates on Cassidy's fight against Osteosarcoma, and to witness and testify the greatest love of God to all humanity by all the love, prayers and supports the brothers and sisters in Christ are pouring onto little Cassidy and the Sheng's family. . . . . . . . . . . "God is Love" John 4:16

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By the request and suggestion of some concerned brothers and sisters, due to the reason that some of those who are diligently praying for Cassidy and her family are from all around the world and may not know our circle of friends personally, the regular Blog posting may confused them because Dr. Jesse would sometimes refer to people by the names known to local circle only. Therefore, this new Prayer page is made for those who would like to just see the updated prayer needs of the Sheng Family so they can pray more specific prayers for them. So feel free to pass this site onto more prayer buddies to effect a greater prayer power. Thus the name of this new site

Monday, July 30, 2007

A Time of Prayer.

Father God,
Calm our hearts so we can hear You. Speak to us so we can know Your will. Open our eyes so we can see Your way, open our ears so we will listen.
Cassidy is in a lot of pain, her tumor is getting bigger and bigger, and her fever is still over 38c. We know the surgery will take away the tumor that is causing all the pain and we also know that the surgery should be done soon. But we also know that Cassidy needs to be at best condition possible to endure such a big surgery and for good recovery. Will she be well enough this Thursday to have the surgery? God, are You preventing the surgery this Thursday or do You have another plan for us? The doctor from Ottawa called us back and offered to talk to Cassidy's surgeon directly about her surgery, should we take that offer and think again about the surgery? Teach us how to think and what to decide.

God, help Carmen and Andy to have good communications and let them see clearly your guidance in all matters. Please help them in their mutual decisions on Cassidy's medication; on whether to bring Cassidy back to the hospital for the fever; on whether to continue to find new alternate treatments; and etc....... God there are so many voices but please help Carmen and Andy to hear only YOURS.

The hospital seems to be concerned if Cassidy will miss this week's surgery date again, but God if it is not Your will, please do not let Cassidy be rushed into surgery just to beat a booking. But if it is Your will, Lord, please help Cassidy to have the strongest body to beat all odds, and bring her through everything smoothly and painlessly.

Cassidy will see yet another new Chinese doctor this afternoon, it is the first time for her to see him, we don't know if that's any help. God if it is Your will, please give wisdom to this doctor to lower Cassidy's fever right away, but if it is not Your will, please make this doctor honest to tell Carmen and Andy the truth and make him give the best suggestion to them.

Cassidy's been having this fever on and off for over a week now, her body is weaken by it and her tumor is strengthen by lack of relevant treatments. God we ask, in the Name of Christ Jesus our Lord, that You shatter all evil power that is hindering Cassidy's treatment or interfering the communications of Carmen and Andy and the well-being of their family. May Your will be done in the Sheng's family and may all the glories be to You.

In the Name of Our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Life is full of changes.....

Despite all things were ready for CaCa to have Chemo today, the doctors decided on last minute that they will cancel this last Chemo treatment and send CaCa home to rest and get ready for next week's surgery. With the number of days needed for CaCa to complete her chemo and for the drugs to clear from her system, the doctor felt that time might be too tight for her to be ready for surgery next week. Therefore, CaCa and Mama Carmen are home this evening.

Cassidy is still having fever on and off, so to be on the same side, Mama Carmen asks for your understanding and refrain from visiting until further notice. Because we do not want to risk Cassidy's health prior to such big surgery, there will be NO VISITING AT ALL until further notice. But we ask that you continue to pray for Cassidy to recover from her fever and cold/coughs and remain in her best medical condition for next week's big day.

Because of no treatment at all for the last few weeks, Cassidy's tumor has grown a bit and she is having more intense pain, Mama Carmen says she needs to put an ice-pack on Cassidy's leg to numb out the pain. The doctor says this growing tumor may also be the cause of her mysterious fevers. Let us pray for God to take away the pain if He wills and that Cassidy is strong enough to endure it this week until the surgery.

CaCa, you're such a brave girl. Hang in there! We will all cheer for you!!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Surgery Postponed!

Cassidy is still having some cough and cold, and her fever seems to be back and forth in the last couple of days. And the doctor has decided to move her surgery to next Thursday August 2 at 6:00am.

However, if God is willing, may it be moved to better hours so that we won't need to wake Cassidy up at 4am to go to the hospital, because the doctor expects her to be home this by this weekend.

Mama Carmen feels that she might also have something coming down on her so Papa Andy is staying with Cassidy tonight and so Mama can get a full night sleep, hoping that she would not get sick. Let us pray that Mama Carmen get recuperate tonight and recharged for another busy week with Cassidy.

With the change of plans, and further swelling of Cassidy's leg, the doctor is hoping to give Cassidy another dose of Methotrexate Chemotherapy this week so that by the time her Chemo is cleared from her body, she'd be ready for surgery next week if her bloodcounts are good. However with her fever on and off, they are not sure if they can administer the chemo soon. Since it takes 3 days for her chemo to clear, it may get too close to surger day. But then if they delay Chemo again, then all the pre-surgery tests that Cassidy had last week would become invalid and that they might have to do that all over again which, again, will delay the surgery even further.

We really really need your ever fervent prayers for God to keep Cassidy's health at the best condition so that she is well enough for any pre-arranged treatments and for speedier recovery. Or if it is God preventing her surgery or any kind of treatment, we pray that God reveals to us and the medical team His will for the best for Cassidy.

The prayer meeting is still on tomorrow night and it will commence at 6:30pm at BTBC.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Comforts from above.....

Mama Carmen shared with Dr. Jesse the comforting words of God.....

"For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways," declares the Lord.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts......You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands....." Isaiah 55:8-13 以賽亞書

Mama Carmen says she is continuously amazed in the last few days by CaCa's trust and faith in God. She understands all about her surgery and although she admits that she has fears about it, she says she knows that Jesus is with her and that her leg will be ok. She's already looking forward to jumping around and doing all kinds of sports after her surgery.
My Dear Cassidy,
ou Go Girl!!!

God is in deed showing us through the pure faith of His little child that His ways are really higher than ours and His thoughts than ours. And that we are to just go out in joy and be led forth in peace. Only when we can do that, are we able to hear the mountains and hills burst into song before us and all the trees of the field clapping their hands in cheers for Cassidy.

We praise God that Cassidy's fever has came down and her condition is stable with the blood transfusion. She's just having a little cold and coughs lingering. Please continue to pray for her speedy recovery. Papa Andy spent most of the night with CaCa while Mama and GorGor went to see their baby cousin at her 1 month old celebration. Mommy was back to the hospital before midnight and CaCa was already sweetly asleep.

There will be a special Prayer Meeting again on Wednesday 6:30pm @ Bridle Trail Baptist Church. We will specifically pray for Cassidy's surgery this Friday. All are welcome to come pray with us, to give your encouragement to Carmen and Andy or just come to show your support and cheer their whole family on as they prepare for this big event. Also, please continue to pray for God to grant wisdom to the medical team and for God Himself to conduct the whole operation from beginning to end that all goes well with Cassidy's surgery as well as her recovery and rehab.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Transfusion ordered.

Mama Carmen's SMS this afternoon says CaCa's red blood is really low and the doctor has ordered transfusion for her. Let us pray for Cassidy to react well to the blood transfusion and recover fast from her low hemoglobin status. Also pray for strength and peace in Carmen and Andy's hearts.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Update as of July 20, 2007 @ 3:00pm

Cassidy is checking in to the SickKids. Her fever is still just over 39c and Mama Carmen and Papa Andy are bringing her back to the hospital so she can be checked out.

Please pray for Cassidy to have stable and healthy condition to be ready for her surgery next week. Let us drop everything now and take a minute to pray for Cassidy. Dr. Jesse is doing that just now.

Surgery Confirmed

It has surely been a busy week for CaCa & Mama Carmen and especially Papa Andy.

Mama Bear has confirmed that CaCa Bear will have her Rotationplasty surgery on Friday July 27 @ 9:00am. Let us all pray for a smooth operation and for CaCa to have minimal pain after surgery, as well as for a speedy recovery.

CaCa was having a fever at 39c last night and we are praying that her fever will subside by the time she gets up in the morning. Let us all pray ever fervently for CaCa to have good health to endure the big surgery and for good recovery.

We pray for the whole Bear-Bear Tribe to have strong faith in God's guidance and to find peace and comfort in our Lord Jesus Christ. At this stressful time of weariness and burdens, may we all come to God as He promised peace and rest in Him.
"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest......Matthews 11:28"

All CaCa, Aaron, Carmen and Andy would need all the physical rest they can get to be ready for CaCa's surgery. Let's pray for a less eventful weekend and pray that they get to de-stressed a bit over the weekend and bond well in their minds and spirit to be ready for CaCa's big day next week. May the glory of God shine through this strong family and may great blessings be poured onto many more through this God ordained endeavor for Cassidy and her loving family.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Update as of July 18, 2007 @ 8:00am

Cassidy had a SOUP FEST on Monday with 5 different soups to choose from and also very special dishes. She likes all the soups and Dr. Jesse got to share some of that yummy soup on Monday night too.

An SMS from Mama Carmen yesterday says CaCa's bloodwork shows that she's ok except her platelet and red blood are a little low. Cassidy wants to say Thank You for all the special soups and food from all the aunties and uncles and also her grandauntie "pau pau".

Cassidy will have bone scan and some other tests this week, please continue to pray for her strength to stay healthy all the way through treatment.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Update as of July 16, 2007 @ 11:00am

Some of you might know already, Cassidy had a slight fever over the weekend at about 38c. But she was such a smart girl, she turned herself in to bed early when she learns that she was having the fever, and as she got to rest more, her fever subsided. Praise the Lord.

Over the weekend, Dr. Jesse was bombarded by the term "second opinion". Mama Carmen was also hearing the term over the weekend. One of the comment left in CaCa's blog also mentioned it. Just this morning, an Oncologist from New York, Dr. Cheung referred to us by Grace Woo, replied our email and also recommended us to seek second opinion about Cassidy's surgery before we make the final decision. He also suggested that he can refer a cancer team in Canada for us to talk to when necessary. Further, Dr. Jesse will try to contact another surgeon in Ottawa for his opinion today. So please pray for the communications and for God's guidance along the way as we gather more info on the options of surgery.

Cassidy is due back to SickKids tomorrow for MRI and BloodTest, then more tests both on Wednesday and Thursday. Pls pray for their journeys back and forth and pray that Cassidy's vital signs remain at desirable levels.

Friday, July 13, 2007

Further updates as of July 13 @ 2:00AM

Dr. Jesse has gone over to pray with Mama Carmen & Papa Andy and we got to share a lot of our concerns and feelings regarding the surgery options. And we praise God that during our sharing, Andy revealed to us that Cassidy told him that she has lots of things she is going to do in the future and she has accepted the option of Rotationplasty. Papa Andy was very surprised that Cassidy actually understood what the doctor told her about her surgery, and so were we when we heard that from Andy. Papa Andy told us that Cassidy admitted to him that she does feel somewhat uneasy about the appearance of her leg after the surgery, and that she also has fears about the surgery. Mama Carmen is going to try to discuss the issue with Cassidy again to confirm that it is actually her decision to have Rotationplasty over the other options that are available. So we need you all to pray for God to guide Mama Carmen and Cassidy to have a keen and honest discussion before they reply to the doctors in arranging for the surgery.

Once Cassidy's decision is confirmed, Mama Carmen and Papa Andy with Gor Gor Aaron are committed to support her all the way, no matter what, without any reservation. And Dr. Jesse also pledges to support Cassidy's decision all the way through this journey. Cassidy says she is going to have the ambulance bring her home after the surgery and that she would want the siren on all the way home. She says she'll want the 'B-Boo B-Boo' all the way coming home from surgery.

It is indeed amazing how Cassidy at her age could understand the medical options that the doctor was telling her parents and even to come to a decision for herself. God is surely amazing and His way is truly beyond our ways. When we were all in distress about the decision to make, God and His Holy Spirit has already worked in the heart of a little girl to have such faith to look beyond her surgery day. I pray that encourages us all to have faith when facing all sorts of life's challenges.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Update as of July 12, 2007 @ 3:00pm

The counts are low.....low.....low......! Pls pray!

Cassidy was down at the SickKids for blood test this morning and Mama Carmen relayed to Dr. Jesse that CaCa's white blood counts were only at 0.02+-. The last time when her count was really low, it was at 0.1+-, so this time is actually much lower than the last time so we have to be really careful with not stressing her immune system. Therefore, during these few days until she gets tested again on Monday, let's try to refrain from visiting so that CaCa is not exposed to additional risk of infection.

And regarding the surgery, Mama Carmen is still praying for God's guidance while all concerned brothers and sisters are all in support of the Rotationplasty option. Dr. Jesse thinks that it would actually be more beneficial if we will all consider fasting prayers at this crucial time for God to illumine Carmen and the rest of their family to make an informed decision for Cassidy. And we shall also pray that Carmen gets to discuss with Cassidy about the options and be able to guide Cassidy to contribute to the final decision, after all, it is her leg and her life, she's the one who would have to deal with it all her life.

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Update as of July 11, 2007 @ 6:00am

Cassidy and her gangs met with the surgeon yesterday and further information was gathered. We found out that Cassidy's surgeon has also performed the Repiphysis once last year and he is aware of the technology. He prefers still the Rotationplasty over Repiphysis, however, seems to be due to his personal preference. He told Mama Carmen that Repiphysis is "do-able" but we should think further of the pros and cons of taking that option. But yet again, we did not hear much concrete comparison of the 2 different options.

Nevertheless, Cassidy has met with Dana, a 12 yr old girl who had Rotationplasty 3 months ago and Cassidy and her connected well. They showed each other their legs and chatted, it is Dana's birthday today and she will be going home to have her big party. May we also pray for Dana in her recovery and her family to be blessed by the greatest love of God.

Dr. Jesse is planning to touch base with a surgeon in Ottawa who the manufacturer of Repiphysis referred us to and who is the most experienced in Repiphysis in Canada. We are concerned that if Cassidy's surgeon is not confident in the Repiphysis technology or in performing the procedure, it might be more preferable to retain this Dr. Werier from Ottawa to operate on Cassidy either by bringing him down to Toronto to work alongside with Dr. Hopyan of SickKids, or to actually move Cassidy to Ottawa for the surgery if the final decision is for Cassidy to have Repiphysis over Rotationplasty. We are now praying specifically for wisdom in this matter so that we are able to obtain a fair second opinion thus Carmen and Andy are able to make their informed decision for Cassidy which will have a life-long effect on Cassidy.

So far, the facts are that:
(other the cosmetic appearance issue)
> Both Rotationplasty and Repiphysis yields equal chance of recurrence of cancer after surgery
> Both options give equal chances of complication such as blood clog and infections.
> If cancer returns after either option, leg amputation is necessary.
> If going for Rotationplasty, only new lower leg prosthesis needs to be replaced in the future.
> If Repiphysis, 1 surgery to replace permanent internal prosthesis at about age 20+-.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

An Angel of Thanksgiving.....

Cassidy and Mama Bear have came home last night just as she has prayed for. She is so thankful to God that she says she knows our Heavenly Father hears her prayer because this time she did not feel sick during Chemo. Cassidy is very happy that this time at the hospital, so many auntie and uncle who all love her brought her special foods, she even said although one of the salad was not quite how she usually likes it but she is still thankful for the aunties and uncles who made it. Dr. Jesse praises God when Mama Carmen says Cassidy was telling her that she is so grateful for so many people from church who are praying for her all these time and praying for her treatment to have no side effects, and when she has the Chemo this time, she did not have to throw up and could eat the things she likes, so she is NOT AFRAID OF CHEMO ANYMORE!!!

CaCa is such a sweet girl too. When she hears that Dr. Jesse's mommy was sick these few days, she then thought of Dr. Jesse's mommy is also having to take medication just like herself and that CaCa says she has to make a Get Well Card for Dr. J's mommy. That is so sweet of her.

When Mama Carmen was praying with Cassidy tonight, CaCa was like an angel of thanksgiving praying a very lonnnnnnng prayer of thanksgiving, thanking God for each and everyone, one after another, who cares and loves her, who made her yummy foods and those who came to the hospital, all the nurses who helped her make it through this round of Chemo without throwing up, all the friends they have at church who are all praying for her and even those people whom they don't even know. CaCa feels that all her prayers are being answered and she has just one more thing she is now asking God for and she is very confident that God will answer this prayer too. Cassidy is well aware of her surgery and has accepted the fact that it is something that has to be done, so she understands that the doctor will have to cut open her leg to take the bad tumor out. And this one little wish she is praying for is for the doctor to be able to make as small a cut as possible so it is not too painful and the scar would not be too long. Dr. Jesse is all hats-off to Cassidy for her brave acceptance of the upcoming surgery and her courageous spirit even knowing that the doctor would need to open up her leg to fix the boo boo.

On the other hand, Dr. Jesse and many others are looking for the availability of a "growing prothesis" called Repiphysis for Cassidy. It seems that the SickKids hospital in Toronto is not that familiar with the technology or are reluctant to try, but after some direct contacts with the manufacturer, Dr. Jesse finds out that there has been 10 cases done in Canada and the best doctor with most experience on this technology is Dr. Joel Werier in Ottawa (not Nova Scotia as it first looked like). So when the business week starts again, Dr. Jesse will get in touch with the Ottawa doctor to find out more. At the same time, Mama Carmen will try her best to get this technology into SickKids for Cassidy to have it here, and hopefully can benefit other children in the future. Dr. Jesse had an eye on this option since the very early days when CaCa was first diagnosis, and when further information surfaces just when the surgeon was suggesting to rush up the surgery, we feel that it may be God showing us a better alternative to the Rotationplasty option. If this is a sign from God, we will do all we have to do to obtain this option for Cassidy.

So Dr. Jesse wants to urge you to pray with us and ask God to show us the way if it is really Him who is showing and leading us to this option over the Rotationplasty option. And if it is, then we need your prayers for God to guide us through seamless communication with the manufacturer, hosptial(s), doctor(s), medical team(s) and be able to make the best and timely arrangements for Cassidy to have this procedure.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

The Word of our God says:

"你求告我,我就應允你,並將你所不知道,又大又難的事指示你." 耶利米書 33:33

"Call to Me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3

Mama Carmen says Cassidy was responding well to this round of Chemo, other than sleeping a bit more than usual, she's basically eating and doing well. If her blood counts are good, she's looking at coming home in these couple of days.

On the other hand, the Orthopedic Surgeon met with Mama Carmen yesterday and suggested that he would like to operate earlier then the original schedule and he says he can arrange that as early as within 8 days. But with the options that he has presented, Mama Carmen is not yet ready for this idea of change again.

The option of surgery the doctor recommended is called RotationPlasty and that is to turn the Ankle joint into the Knee Joint, and with fitted prosthesis, this procedure is said to be the one most doctors recommend for children with Osteosarcoma in the leg. Although it gives the best function and mobility in the long run, the trade off is the cosmetic appearance of the post-surgical appearance of the leg. If CaCa was to take this option, her affected leg will have the ankle working as her knee and her foot will still be attached to joint however with the whole foot rotated 180 degree. This is somewhat a "great and unsearchable thing" that Mama Carmen and Papa Andy have to face, as well as all of us who cares and loves Cassidy and wants the best for her.

It took Dr. Jesse quite sometime to think through the whole new idea and is still searching for all other possible alternatives that were recommended by surgeons. But besides that, we are all to get down on our knees and ask God to grant us all wisdom to know what and how to think about this whole situation, the right words of encouragement to support Carmen and Andy, the right questions to ask the doctors, the best way to communicate all that is going to happen to Cassidy, according to God's will.

Please pray especially at this time for the peace of God to be with Mama Carmen and Papa Andy as well as Gor Gor Aaron, so that they are strong in their faith and trust in God and be courageous in facing whatever our Father God has planned for them, and thus become a blessing to all others.

Sunday, July 1, 2007

Good News!!

As Cassidy was beginning to swell just before the weekend, we were a bit worried about the delay of her Chemo again. But God heard our prayers and just this afternoon, we were surprised by a call from the hospital telling Mama Carmen that they are ready to start treatment for Cassidy. So Mama Carmen and Papa Andy have brought CaCa down right away and her Chemo will start around 5am Monday morning.

Mama Carmen says all the extra equipments were ready to go and looks like they are going to monitor Cassidy's condition more closely this time as her last treatment on this drug had some severe side effects on her.

So it's going to be a busy long weekend for CaCa et al, let's keep our hands joined with prayers that God would bring them through another wave. Even if you don't know our loving God yet, it's still okay to pray to Him because He is all loving and He hears our true hearted prayers.