Thanks to Auntie Connie and Uncle Leander who had stayed with Cassidy the whole Monday afternoon (May 21) and played with her. Here's what Auntie Connie sent me as per Carmen's request to post this on the blog journal..........
"Cassidy ate quite a bit today and the swelling of her left foot had shrunk a lot. Thank God for that.
Both Mama Carmen and little Cassidy wore a bandanna. Should have taken a photo for both of them.
Little Cassie said she wants to clean the floor when she goes to heaven, while Mama Carmen would like to sing praises to God all day long. So when you visit Cassidy, please tell her what you want to do when you are in heaven.
Cassidy also braided a 2-color 3-stranded bracelet. You probably would love to wear it!
She cried a bit when daddy had to go home and when Nurse Kendra told her that she would be off for 2 days and wouldn't be seeing her till Wednesday night. Little Cassie gave 2 roses to Nurse Kendra. She must be her most favorite nurse.
Mama Carmen would like us to pray for God's strength for Cassidy to go through the rest of chemotherapy, also for God to minimize the side effect, enable Cassie to articulate her condition to the medical teams and her parents, pray that God gives Cassie a good appetite, and for the whole family (Mama Carmen, Papa Andy, Aaron and Cassidy) to have faith and trust and rely on God and submit to God’s will."